

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Because of Each of You, I Am a Better Me

A Tribute to What My Friends Have Taught me

Tobi has taught me never to be afraid of wholeheartedly being myself.
Elisha has taught me never to be afraid OF myself.
Shania has showed that it is okay to be happy just because.
Christopher has taught me never to be afraid of being honest and vulnerable with the world.
Jorge has taught me to have my friends' backs. "I got you!"
Libby has shown me how to be confident in my dreams.
Ben has taught me never to be afraid to nurture community and fellowship.
Amy has taught me never to give up in the face of hard times.
Emily has taught me never to be afraid of being loyal.
Aggie has taught me never to be afraid to think.
Nicole has shown me how to be like "velvet steel" (a term I may have stolen from Pastor Levi Lusko). Humble and sweet, but strong and steady.
Travis has taught me how to pour myself into helping my friends.
Sandy has taught me never to be afraid of exploring new places.
Adam has taught me never to be afraid of enjoying life (or embracing my love for Pooh Bear!)
Ashley has taught me never to be afraid to pray.
Katelyn has taught never to be ashamed to ask for help.
Araya has shown me how to accept my limitations, but not use them as excuses.
Yvanna has shown me how to laugh and cry and get up again.
Nick has taught me never to be afraid of being a good sport. (Even when we make him sing Beauty and the Beast songs from the top of castles.)
Brett has reminded me to write about what I'm feeling.
Danielle has shown me how say what I think, and then love people through their growth.
Ethan has shown me how to stand for what I believe in, but still love the people who aren't there yet.
Frosty has shown me how to attack life with gusto and to sweep everyone up in friendship.
The "Nerds" have taught me never to leave my phone unattended. Pro tip: Check the napkin dispensers.
Sara has taught me to be always thoughtful.

And because of all these people, I have become more than I would be otherwise.


1 comment:

  1. Always fun to receive a nice surprise via your blog. Love you Brooke.
