

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Things I Have Learned In My Life...

Things I have learned in my life...

1.  The best things on this earth can not be put into words.  It's the sad and unfortunate truth.  Or maybe it's a blessing.

2.  Running through tall, green grass with bare feet is wonderful. 

3.  No matter how old you are, swinging will always make you feel younger.

4. Everyone ought to have a AT LEAST ONE rose bush, lilac bush, raspberry bush, and tons of pansies.  Just saying.

5.  Summer is amazing.

 6.  One of the best sounds on the planet is the sound of the baseball hitting the middle of the mitt.  Ahh!

7.  When God gave us friends he gave us everything.  Well, pretty close anyway. 

8.  Moms are AWESOME.  Really, really awesome, awesome, awesome. 

9.  Garden dirt...amazing.

10.  Crickets complete summer evenings perfectly.  

11.  There is something gloriously beautiful about the view of mountain ranges behind the pages of books.  Two of my favorite things wrapped up in one soul-nurturingly beautiful picture.

12.  Siblings...you can't live with 'em and you can't live without 'em.
13.  I wouldn't want to live anywhere without mountains...or trees.

14.  Dads are AWESOME right along with moms.  Especially my dad.  But, of course, I don't want to be too boastful.  ;)

15. Sleeping on the deck and star gazing before falling asleep should be done multiple times a summer.

16.  "A man who has many friends must show himself friendly..." Proverbs 18:24

17.  If you don't like coffee try chai.  If you don't like chai try coffee.  If you don't like either try tea.  If none of those sound appealing...sorry bud. 

18. Puppy snuggles will cure any ailment.  Especially a broken spirit. 

19.   "Providence has hidden a charm in difficult undertakings which is appreciated only by those who dare to grapple with them." ~ Anne Sophie Switchie

20.  Everybody ought to have a quote book.  Seriously.  No joke. 

21.  Good natured humor is an absolute necessity if you plan on making in through this world with a little bit of sanity left.

22.  The sound of lawn mowers and the smell of cut grass should be known to all ears and noses.  :)

23. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.  Well, that and spiders." 

24.  Some books are just plain meant to be read more than once. 

25.  Winter is wonderful even if solely for the use of enjoying summer more. 

26.  Everyone should want to live in Montana.  Oh, wait, that's a secret.  Montana is terrible.  You would be miserable. 

27.  "Sometimes you need to walk with a two year old just so you can understand life again."
                                                                                                                                              ~ Unknown
28. Don't accidently put sugar instead of salt on your polenta.  Trust me.  You won't like it.

29.  You will eventually become a better cook.  Just keep trying.  (I don't actually know this yet, but I'm hopeful.)

30.  God is truly an amazing and faithful God.  "God is no security against storms, but he is the perfect security in storms.  He never promised an easy passage, only a safe landing."
                                                                                                                                              ~ Unknown


  1. These are all awesome, but the first has got to be my favorite. :) Love me some profoundness.

  2. This was a fun! You are very right about Moms and Dads and spiders and books. :) I loved the pics. :)
