

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Thoughts of the Thinking

    How many of you love the two weeks of Olympics?  Although I am not in the least bit athletic (in fact it is a little embarrassing to admit just how non-athletic I am) I still absolutely love the Olympics.  The winter Olympics are probably my favorite, simply because I have more favorite sports included in them than I do in the summer Olympics.  I like all the forms of skiing and snowboarding, the bobsledding, the luge, and the speed skating, but I would have to say the figure skating is my favorite. 

     The things I enjoy most about the Olympics are the personal stories of all the people who have gone through so much just to make it there.  It helps me remember that these people are real people with real hopes and real lives.  The sacrifices of the family, and tears of discouragement as well as the tears of joy, just make everything more heart felt, more uplifting, more real.  You find yourself rejoicing with the victors, and yes, you feel yourself mourning with the defeated.  That, I suppose, is the only downfall (if you could call it that) to knowing the stories of the athletes. 

     Not all of the athletes have a very great attitude about losing, but the majority seem to use it for good.  They discover what they did wrong and work at correcting it.  Of course, this is the attitude of many athletic people and in my opinion it is a VERY commendable trait.  Yes, I definitely enjoy watching this kind of great sportsmanship in any kind of...well anything.  ;) 

    Now, remembering that I enjoy more than just the personal life stories lets move on.  I don't think I will EVER understand how in pair figure skating the men can hold the women up that high above their heads while whirling in so many 360's without dropping them on their heads.  It just gives me the shiver magivers.  Or, when the ladies somehow land on their feet after being tossed through the air at such rates as to make you dizzy. 

   Then there is freestyle skiing.  Good grief, I seriously am AMAZED at how those skiers can go so fast on such a steep and icy mountain face, and not have an incredibly terrible fallout every time they try. 

    That all being said...Enjoy. The. Rest. Of. The. Olympics.  I know I sure will.
                                                                           ~ Brooke

1 comment:

  1. I really don't watch the Olympics(we don't have TV) but Every now and then I'll look up updates on the horse activities. :))))
