

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

There's More Than One Way To Use A Neck Pillow

Who knew there was more than one way to wear a neck pillow?  Grab your magic flying carpet and lets travel back into history to imagine how the ancients (or not so ancients) would have used a neck pillow.  Hang on because it's going to be a wild ride. 

 The way Queen Elizabeth I would have used it.
 How a medieval baroness would have used it.  
 How an Ancient Greek Olympian would have used it.  If only it was Green!
 How a centurion would have used it.  This time it should be red.  
 How a 1400s gentle person would have used it.

And last, but certainly not least...
how a modern human being uses this. Snore!
~ Brooke


  1. Haha! Good ideas Brooke. I'd never have thought of that.....

  2. It was a bit random, but I had fun with it.

  3. Am forever amazed at what you come up with Brooke! Love it!

    1. Haha! Thank you, Grandma! I had fun with that one. ;)
