

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

One of Those Days

    You know those days when you wake up and have that feeling that today is going to be AWESOME.  Today you are going to pursue your dreams.  Today you are going to live, and live to the fullest.  And, then you know those days that start out the exact same as this, but by the end of the day (or maybe even the middle of the day) you find yourself saying, "Well, that was definitely, most assuredly, not  the day it was supposed to be".  Those days that go from grr, to bad, to worse. Those days that all you want do is sit down with a warm cozy blanket, a hot soothing drink, a soft, fluffy puppy, and read a book.  But no, you have your school to get done, your chores to get through, and what ever else takes priority.  Those days you're longing to see the sun.  But wait, even if it does come out you can't go and enjoy it.  Those days that everywhere you turn or whatever you put your hands to seems to turn to disaster, not pure, shiny gold.  Those days you take your first fall of winter, landing you smack dab on the ice right on the balls of your knees.  Your slightly surprised that didn't happen the day you chose to wear your flip-flops that don't have very good traction.  Yes, I may or may not have worn my flip-flops all day on one of these long, February days.  Hey, life is short and winter is long enough, you need to amuse yourself in some way or another. Or, those days when you wish you were the dog.  Sleeping all day long, and never having a care in the world. 

    And, then you remember...The dog can't read.  The dog can't sip hot yummy liquids.  The dog can't wear flip-flops (even in the summer).  The dog can't talk.  The dog can't laugh.  You can do all these things.  You can even get so exasperated with life that the only thing to do is turn to Jesus.  The dog can't do that.  Yes, no matter how bad life gets, you have ALL these things and more to thank God for.  When you think about that you remember that, no matter what, you wouldn't want anything to be different.  You wouldn't want to sleep all day long, every day.  No, you want to be so overwhelmed that you can never be bored.  You want to be so busy that finding time to be you is a challenge.  Not impossible, not stressful, not aggravating, just a challenge.  Something that stretches you, builds you, makes YOU. 
The point of this?  I guess you could say I don't really have one.
My Reason?  It's just been one of those days.
                                                                     ~ Brooke