

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

God Will Give You The Ticket

     Recently, I started reading the book Kisses From Katie, by Katie Davis.  For those of you who do not know what this book is about, it is about a young woman in her early twenties currently living in Uganda and in the process of adopting thirteen Ugandan girls.  She felt led by God to work as a missionary overseas for a year, but ended up falling in love with the people of Uganda and now lives there permanently.  Or at least permanent for the foreseeable future. 

     Now, reading books like this kind of scares me.  Why?  Well, I have lived where I live now my whole life.  I have never really known much else.  Yes, I have experienced other places.  Some places I really did pretty much fall in love with, others I grew very fond of, and still others that I can sometimes find a place in my heart for, which is usually very difficult.  But, I have never in my life become so fond of a place as Montana.  Yes, it probably has very much to do with the fact that I have always lived here.  But whatever the reason, for almost as long as I can remember the thought of moving away, and especially overseas (and maybe a few other places) has terrified me.  Is it that I am afraid of leaving my comfortable lifestyle and home?  I suppose it could be, but I really don't think so.  For starters, yes, we live in America, commonly thought of as one of the most "comfortable" places on the planet. But in all honesty I think if I were to be suddenly told I was moving to one of the nicest, most wealthy neighborhoods in all of America, I would be just as frightened.  Maybe not "frightened", but definitely depressed.  Then again, the thought of filth and disease is definitely not comfortable and really, REALLY scares me.  I believe it is quite a few reasons all put together.

     One of the largest reasons I love where I live is definitely because of the mountains.  I have ALWAYS been a girl who LOVES the mountains and the country.  This, I think, more than anything has to do with the fact that I was born here.  It is ingrained in me.  It is part of who I am.  Just like for people who grow up in the cities or on the prairies, that is part of who they are.  They love it.  But, if it were just the mountains I wouldn't have a problem living somewhere else.  I mean I don't live in the only place mountains were created.  I live in one tiny section of the world that has mountains, and I could move to tons of places with them.  And, I can even think of some places that (were this the only reason) I would move to in a heartbeat. 
     The people.  Now, there is something I would miss.  No, I don't mean that there aren't wonderful and amazing people in other places.  What I mean is that I would miss these specific people.  I really am not exaggerating when I say that I have tons of SUPERB people around me everyday.  My teachers, my family, my friends, even people I don't know very well.  I tell God how thankful I am for these people EVERY single day, and I mean what I say.  I know, I know, I mean I live in the 21st century.  What is wrong with me?  I could move half way around the world and still talk with my friends and get a reply without waiting for seven months.  But, think about it.  It simply is not the same as being in the same room with them and bursting into HUGE gales of laughter at something that we all think is funny.  "Well Brooke, you could always make new friends somewhere else. You already have some amazing friends in other areas of this earth that you absolutely adore."  Yes, I know, so what am I worried about?  Sometimes, I really don't know.  "Maybe, you have just let yourself get too attached to a place."  Well, I am not going to lie, maybe I have. 

       Corrie Ten Boom's father always told her when she was worried about things like this, "Corrie, when do I give you the ticket for a train trip?"
     "Right before we board," she would reply.
     "Right, and God will always give you the ticket to courage, right before it is needed."

     So, why am I so worried? God, as of right now, isn't calling my family anywhere else.  And if he did, he would give me the ticket for the courage I need.  And, as for Katie Davis, God has put the desire in her heart to live in Uganda the rest of her life.  She wants to live there and she LOVES it.  So maybe, God, when and if the time is right will give me the desire do the same.  Whatever the case, I am thankful I have such an amazing God and I do want to follow his wishes. 

     Just remember God will give you the ticket of courage to whatever he wants you to do.  And, if you sometimes worry and are frightened about what he will call you to, like I do, then remember he will give you the desire to do it. Don't. Worry.
                                                     ~ Brooke

P.S. I would strongly recommend reading (if you haven't already) Kisses from Katie.  It is a very powerful and inspiring story.


  1. That book sounds interesting. I have read "Tramp for the Lord" and "The Hiding Place." Super facinating sometimes!

  2. It is! I have completely enjoyed it. I will try and look into those. I am always looking for great new books to read.
